- Status
- Closed
- Publication date
- Deadline date
- Opening of tenders
- Department
- Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
1. Publication reference
2. Procedure
3. Programme title
Low Carbon Action in the Republic of Korea
4. Financing
Partnership Instrument 2016 Annual Action Programme (Commission Implementing Decision C/2016/2989 of 26/05/2016)
5. Contracting Authority
The European Union, represented by the European Commission
6. Nature of contract
7. Contract description
The EU Delegation to the Republic of Korea (RoK) envisages Low Carbon Action in RoK aiming to support the EU's overall political ambition and policy aspirations in the global fight against climate change. This would contribute to enhanced climate action and transition to low carbon economy in RoK, through a collaborative approach between the Korean and European stakeholders, involving policy makers, industry, civil society, academia and general public.
8. Number and titles of lots
One lot only
9. Maximum budget
EUR 2 400 000
10. Scope for additional services
The Contracting Authority may, at its own discretion, extend the project in duration and/or scope subject to the availability of funding up to a maximum not exceeding the length and value of the initial contract. Any extension of the contract would be subject to satisfactory performance by the Contractor.
11. Eligibility
Participation is open to all natural persons who are nationals of and legal persons (participating either individually or in a grouping – consortium - of tenderers) which are effectively established in a Member State of the European Union or in a eligible country or territory as defined under the Regulation (EU) N°236/2014 establishing common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union's instruments for external action (CIR) for the applicable Instrument under which the contract is financed (see also heading 29 below). Participation is also open to international organisations.
12. Candidature
All eligible natural and legal persons (as per item 11 above) or groupings of such persons (consortia) may apply.
A consortium may be a permanent, legally-established grouping or a grouping which has been constituted informally for a specific tender procedure. All members of a consortium (i.e., the leader and all other members) are jointly and severally liable to the Contracting Authority. The participation of an ineligible natural or legal person (as per item 11) will result in the automatic exclusion of that person. In particular, if that ineligible person belongs to a consortium, the whole consortium will be excluded.
13. Number of applications
No more than one application can be submitted by a natural or legal person whatever the form of participation (as an individual legal entity or as leader or member of a consortium submitting an application). In the event that a natural or legal person submits more than one application, all applications in which that person has participated will be excluded.
14. Shortlist alliances prohibited
Any tenders received from tenderers comprising firms other than those mentioned in the shortlisted application forms will be excluded from this restricted tender procedure unless prior approval from the Contracting Authority has been obtained (see Practical Guide – PRAG - 2.4.3.). Short-listed candidates may not form alliances or subcontract to each other for the contract in question.
15. Grounds for exclusion
As part of the application form, candidates must submit a signed declaration, included in the standard application form, to the effect that they are not in any of the exclusion situations listed in Section 2.3.3 of the PRAG.
16. Sub-contracting
Subcontracting is allowed.
17. Number of candidates to be short-listed
On the basis of the applications received, between 4 and 8 candidates will be invited to submit detailed tenders for this contract. If the number of eligible candidates meeting the selection criteria is less than the minimum of 4, the Contracting Authority may invite the candidates who satisfy the criteria to submit a tender.
18. Provisional date of invitation to tender
May/early June 2017
19. Provisional commencement date of the contract
December 2017
20. Initial period of implementation of tasks
36 months
21. Selection criteria
The following selection criteria will be applied to candidates. In the case of applications submitted by a consortium, these selection criteria will be applied to the consortium as a whole unless specified otherwise. The selection criteria will not be applied to natural persons and singlemember companies when they are sub-contractors.
1) Economic and financial capacity of candidate (based on item 3 of the application form). In case of candidate being a public body, equivalent information should be provided. The reference period which will be taken into account will be the last three years for which accounts have been closed.
- The average annual turnover of the candidate must exceed EUR 800 000.
2) Professional capacity of candidate (based on items 4 and 5 of the application form). The reference period which will be taken into account will be the last five years from submission deadline.
- At least 10 permanent staff currently works for the candidate in fields related to this contract, out of which minimum 5 have been employed on a permanent basis during the last 2 years.
3) Technical capacity of candidate (based on items 5 and 6 of the application form). The reference period which will be taken into account will be the last five years from submission deadline.
- The candidate has provided services under at least 2 contracts, each with a budget of at least that of this contract, where candidate's share of successfully completed services is more than 400 000 EUR. Such contracts should be in fields of low carbon development and/or sustainable urban development, with collaborative approach including multiple stakeholders in different sectors.
- In addition to the above projects, the candidate has provided services on at least 1 project in the Republic of Korea, in the fields of low carbon development and/or sustainable urban development.
Declaration of successful performance for relevant projects is to be annexed.
This means that the project the candidate refers to could have been started or completed at any time during the indicated period but it does not necessarily have to have started and be completed during that period, nor implemented during the entire period. Candidates/tenderers are allowed to refer either to projects completed within the reference period (although started earlier) or to projects not yet completed. In the first case the project will be considered in its whole if proper evidence of performance is provided (statement or certificate from the entity which awarded the contract, proof of final payment). In case of projects still on-going only the portion satisfactorily completed during the reference period although started earlier will be taken into consideration. This portion will have to be supported by documentary evidence (similarly to projects completed) also detailing its value. If a candidate/tenderer has implemented the project in a consortium, the percentage that the candidate/tenderer has successfully completed must be clear from the documentary evidence, together with a description of the nature of the services provided if the selection criteria relating to the pertinence of the experience have been used.
Previous experience which caused breach of contract and termination by a Contracting Authority shall not be used as reference.
An economic operator may, where appropriate and for a particular contract, rely on the capacities of other entities, regardless of the legal nature of the links which it has with them. It must in that case prove to the Contracting Authority that it will have at its disposal the resources necessary for performance of the contract, for example by producing a commitment on the part of those entities to place those resources at its disposal. Such entities, for instance the parent company of the economic operator, must respect the same rules of eligibility - notably that of nationality – and must fulfil the same relevant selection criteria as the economic operator. With regard to technical and professional criteria, an economic operator may only rely on the capacities of other entities where the latter will perform the works or services for which these capacities are required. With regard to economic and financial criteria, the entities upon whose capacity the tenderer relies, become jointly and severally liable for the performance of the contract.
If more than 8 eligible candidates meet the above selection criteria, the relative strengths and weaknesses of the applications of these candidates must be reexamined to identify the eight best candidates. The only factors which will be taken into consideration during this reexamination are:
- 1) the total number of the reference projects found eligible under 21.3 and in case of equality on this criterion, then
- 2) The total number of projects implemented in the Republic of Korea.
22. Award criteria
Best price-quality ratio.
23. Deadline for receipt of applications
17.00 hours on 22/05/2017
Any application received by the Contracting Authority after this deadline will not be considered.
24. Application format and details to be provided
Applications must be submitted using the standard application form, the format and instructions of which must be strictly observed. The application form is available from the following Internet address:
The application must be accompanied by a declaration of honour on exclusion and selection criteria using the template available from the following Internet address:
Any additional documentation (brochure, letter, etc.) sent with an application will not be taken into consideration.
25. How applications may be submitted
Applications must be submitted in English exclusively to the Contracting Authority in a sealed envelope:
- EITHER by recorded delivery (official postal service) to :
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Korea
16th Floor, S-Tower, 82, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu
Seoul, Korea 03185
In this case, the delivery record makes proof of compliance with the time-limit for receipt.
- OR hand delivered (including courier services) directly to the Contracting Authority in return for a signed and dated receipt to:
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Korea to the attention of
Mr Paolo Caridi, Head of Trade and Economic Section
16th Floor, S-Tower, 82, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu
Seoul, Korea 03185
In this case, the acknowledgment of receipt makes proof of compliance with the time-limit for receipt.
The Contract title and the Publication reference (see item 1 above) must be clearly marked on the envelope containing the application and must always be mentioned in all subsequent correspondence with the Contracting Authority.
Applications submitted by any other means will not be considered.
By submitting an application candidates accept to receive notification of the outcome of the procedure by electronic means. Such notification shall be deemed to have been received on the date upon which the contracting authority sends it to the electronic address referred to in the application.
26. Alteration or withdrawal of applications
Candidates may alter or withdraw their applications by written notification prior to the deadline for submission of applications. No application may be altered after this deadline.
Any such notification of alteration or withdrawal shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with Item 25. The outer envelope (and the relevant inner envelope if used) must be marked 'Alteration' or 'Withdrawal' as appropriate.
27. Operational language
All written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English.
28. Date of publication of prior information notice
28 December 2016
EU OJ 2016/S 250-460350
29. Legal basis
Regulation (EU) N°236/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 laying down common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union's instruments for financing external action and Regulation (EU) No 234/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a Partnership Instrument for cooperation with third countries.
30. Additional information
Questions may be sent by email, indicating clearly the reference of the Call to the following address: DELEGATION-REP-OF-KOREA-GRANTS-TENDERSeeas [dot] europa [dot] eu (DELEGATION-REP-OF-KOREA-GRANTS-TENDERS[at]eeas[dot]europa[dot]eu)