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Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
  • Call for tenders
  • Closed

Partnership Instrument - Low Carbon Mexico


Publication date
Deadline date
Opening of tenders
Service for Foreign Policy Instruments


1. Publication reference


2. Procedure

International Restricted Tender

3. Programme title

Low Carbon Business Action in Mexico

4. Financing

Budget Line 19.0501 of the general budget of the European Union for 2014

5. Contracting Authority

European Union, represented by the European Commission

6. Nature of contract


7. Contract description

The establishment, through matchmaking events, of EU-Mexican Cooperation Partnerships that would, eventually, lead to increase in export and international ventures for European businesses and introduction of low carbon technologies in Mexico resulting in carbon emission reduction.

8. Indicative budget

1.5 million EUR

9. Intended timing of publication of the contract notice


10. Additional information

Non Applicable

11. Legal basis1

Regulation (EU) Nū236/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 laying down common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union's instruments for financing external action in Particular Article 2 thereof,

Regulation (EU, Euratom) №966/201.2 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and repealing Council Regulation ( EC, Euratom) N° 1605/2002, and in particular Article 84(2) thereof,

Regulation (EU) №234/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 1 IMarch 2014 establishing a Partnership Instrument for cooperation with third countries. Commission Implementing Decision № PI/2014/37781 of 16.10.2014 on the Partnership Instrument Annual Action Programme for cooperation with third countries to be financed from the general budget of the European Union.


There must be a minimum period of 30 calendar days between the publication of this prior information notice and the publication of the corresponding contract notice.

No applications or requests for information should be sent at this stage.

  1. Please state any specificity that might have an impact on rules on participation (such as geographic or thematic or long/short term).