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Service for Foreign Policy Instruments

Key documents

Official planning and strategy documents, reports, studies, factsheets and other documents related to the activities of the European Commission’ Service for Foreign Policy Instruments.

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Key documents (540)

Showing results 450 to 460
General publications1 January 2017
Partnership Instrument 2017

Partnership Instrument 2017

General publications1 January 2018
Partnership Instrument 2018

Partnership Instrument 2018

General publications1 January 2019
Partnership Instrument 2019

Partnership Instrument 2019

General publications1 January 2020
Partnership Instrument 2020

Partnership Instrument 2020

General publications1 January 2020
Privacy statement for the implementation of EOM activities

Privacy Statement - Processing operation: Implementation of the European Union Election Observation Missions (EOMs)

General publications1 January 2020
Privacy statement for CFSP activities under indirect management

Privacy Statement - Processing operation: FPI contribution agreements with entities implementing EU funds under indirect management in the area of CFSP/CSDP

General publications1 January 2014
Meeting Report - Civil Society Dialogue Network Funding Instruments Meeting of Wednesday 4 October 2017 - Support to in-country CSO capacity building and initiatives in conflict prevention and peacebuilding

Executive Summary (March 2014) of Final Evaluation Report - Evaluation of the Instrument for Stability (IfS) Crisis Preparedness Component (2007-2013)

General publications1 January 2017
Civil Society Dialogue Network Meeting: Support to In-country CSOs – Minutes

Meeting Report - Civil Society Dialogue Network Funding Instruments Meeting of Wednesday 4 October 2017 - Support to in-country CSO capacity building and initiatives in conflict prevention and peacebuilding

General publications1 January 2020
Amendment to the Multiannual Action Programme 2019-2020 for the IcSP

Commission Implementing Decision amending the Commission Implementing Decision C(2019) 5567 on the Multiannual action programme 2019-2020

General publications1 January 2019
Multiannual Action Programme 2019-2020 for the IcSP

Commission Implementing Decision on the Multiannual action programme 2019-2020 for the IcSP (Article 4) to be financed from the general budget of the European Union