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Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
News article14 November 2014Service for Foreign Policy Instruments4 min read

WORK PROGRAMME FOR GRANTS 2014 of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) for the Partnership Instrument (PI)

1. Objective of the General Publicity

The purpose of this publication is to inform the public about the main lines of the Grant Work Programme 2014 of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, in application of article 128 of the Financial Regulation and article 188 of the Rules of Application. The submission of proposals is not possible at this stage: each action described in the list of planned actions (see point 3.1) will be the subject of a specific call for proposals. Some action may be implemented by other DGs/Agency of the EU. The actions marked as "direct award of a grant" are given for reasons of transparency and will not be the subject of any specific call for proposals.

2. Basic act and/or Financing source

The basic act governing the annual work programme for grants 2014-2015 is the Commission implementing decision of 16 October 2014 on the 2014 Partnership Instrument Annual Action Programme for cooperation with third countries to be financed from the general budget of the European Union. The grants will be financed under budget line 19.05.0100 of title 19 "Foreign Policy Instruments".

Overview Partnership Instrument Annual Action Programme 2014

The AAP 2014 is shaped by the thematic priorities laid down in the PI Regulation1 and is based on the PI Multi-annual indicative programme (MIP) (2014-2017)2 adopted by the European Commission on 3 July 2014.

The objectives and priorities are the following:

  • Objective 1- priority 1: support for the Union's bilateral, regional an inter-regional cooperation partnership strategies by promoting policy dialogue and reinforcement of cooperation on climate change, energy security and the protection of environment.
  • Objective 2- priority 2: implementation of the international dimension of "Europe 2020" and promotion of the Union's internal policies.
  • Objective 3- market access, trade, investment and business opportunities
    • priority 3.1: regulatory cooperation, standards, market access and business development
    • priority 3.2: support for the negotiation and implementation of EU trade agreements
  • Objective 4: academic cooperation, public diplomacy and outreach
    • priority 4.1: academic cooperation (Erasmus+)3
    • priority 4.2: public diplomacy and outreach

The proposed specific actions responding to those core objectives and priorities will be implemented through procurement procedures, call for proposals or direct awards of grants.

3. Award of Grants through Calls for Proposals 2014

The actions contained in the AAP 2014 that will be the subject of calls for proposals relate to public diplomacy and outreach (Objective 4- priority 4.2) and are described in the section below:

3.1 Call for proposals EU-US Transatlantic Civil Society Dialogue:

Objectives of the grants are to strengthen four civil society policy dialogues addressing the current priorities of the EU-US relationships and complementing the existing formal policy dialogues. The fields of intervention are the energy security dialogue; a consumer dialogue to identify common challenges in the context of the trade negotiations (TTIP); a data protection and privacy dialogue in the context of the umbrella agreement; and a development and humanitarian dialogue with a special focus on the security nexus. Results are joint policy recommendations to policy makers, advocacy of interests with public authorities, and show casing of good practices.

Eligibility conditions: think tanks, NGOs and NPOs, trade unions, business associations, or interests groups representing broad constituencies of civil society in the EU and in the US. They must demonstrate that project activities are strictly non-profit making. Partnerships across the Atlantic are mandatory.

Indicative budget: € 800,000.00

Maximum possible rate of co-financing is 75% of the eligible costs of the action.

Indicative timing of publication: call for proposals launched 4th Quarter 2014.

3.2 Call for proposals Europe and US:

Grants promoting knowledge and understanding of the EU and its international role, its policies, but also the value and significance of the EU-US transatlantic partnership across the US. Priorities of the year would include energy policy, climate change, 2015 European year of development, and cultural diplomacy at large.

Eligibility conditions: US based NGOs and NPOs, trade unions, business associations, youth groups, local community groups, cultural institutions, media, professional associations, teachers federation, chambers of commerce. Universities can apply but not for academic activities and provided they are not currently receiving EU funding. Applicants must demonstrate that project activities are strictly non-profit making.

Indicative budget: € 1,500,000.00

Maximum possible rate of co-financing is 75% of the eligible costs of the action.

Indicative timing of publication: call for proposals launched 2nd Quarter 2015.

3.3 Call for proposals: Jean Monnet Activities

Modules, Chair, Centres of Excellence and Networks and Projects: a call for proposals will be launched by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

4. Selection and award criteria

For both calls of proposals referred to in 4.1 and 4.2 the evaluations will be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in the Practical Guide.

Moreover, essential selection and award criteria will be based on both technical and financial capacities such as proven experience in similar projects, knowledge of the relevant policy issue; securing participation from stakeholders; and CVs of the staff undertaking the project and, finally, financial and economic capacity to perform the tasks supported by balance sheets and ability to meet the co-financing requirements. Award criteria will be based on the relevance and the quality of the activities proposed and on their impact, the cost-effectiveness and their dissemination strategy.

5. Direct grant award:

  • Supporting the EU-China dialogue on migration and mobility: direct grant award to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM);
  • Exchange of mid-career professionals within the framework of the US Fulbright programme: direct grant award to the Schuman Fulbright Commission
  • EU-Russia Civil Society Forum: direct grant award to the "EU-Russia Civil Society Forum
  1. Regulation (EU) N° 234/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a Partnership Instrument for cooperation with third countries
  2. C(2014) 4453 final of 3 July 2014
  3. The Partnership Instrument contributes to support Erasmus + in former ICI countries and Russia


Publication date
14 November 2014
Service for Foreign Policy Instruments