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Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
  • Project

EU support for the IAEA in nuclear security (IAEA VIII)

Opening of the ACPPNM Conference, March 2022
Opening of the ACPPNM Conference, March 2022

In the framework of its Strategy against the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, the EU supports the work of the IAEA in assisting Member States, upon request, in establishing and improving effective and sustainable national nuclear security regimes.

Beyond supporting the IAEA mandate, the project aims to contribute to global efforts to achieve effective nuclear security, while assisting and strengthening international cooperation and the coordination of assistance, in adherence to, and implementation of, relevant international legal instruments.

The expected results of the project are:

  • achieving progress with the universalisation of the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material
  • enhanced computer security and information technology services
  • an enhanced nuclear security culture
  • improved information management, with a focus on assessing nuclear security needs, priorities and threats
  • enhanced nuclear security of materials and associated facilities as well as of materials out of regulatory control
  • improved programme development and international cooperation with a focus on education and training programme development
  • enhanced gender-focused capacity building and education in nuclear security.

The stakeholders are the IAEA (as the implementing organization), the relevant authorities of the IAEA and Member States, as recipients of IAEA support in the area of nuclear security.

  • Global/Trans-regional
  • Common Foreign & Security Policy actions
  • Common foreign and security policy
  • 2 DECEMBER 2022
Council Decision(CFSP) 2020/1656