On this International Day against Child Labour, the EU is more than ever committed to ending child exploitation. The IcSP-project Reintegrating Exploited Children in Senegal and Mali in order to Help Prevent Future Crisis in the Region contributes to EU’s efforts to fight child labour and build lasting peace in the Sahel.
The outbreak of violence in Mali in 2012 has deprived Malian youth from opportunities and exposed it to physical, psychological and sexual violence. While Senegal enjoys political stability, corruption and inequalities are worrisome and children lack strong and effective protection against exploitation.
Against this backdrop, the EU and SOS Village d’Enfants Belgique joined efforts over the last three years to protect 1500 exploited children in Mali and Senegal. The project tackles the local mechanisms of child exploitation to build long-term stability. In outline, it aimed to reintegrate the children with their families and in formal education and to develop the skills of communities to provide better protection for children.