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Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
  • Call for tenders
  • Closed

Partnership Instrument – EU Green Gateway to Korea


Publication date
Deadline date
Opening of tenders
Service for Foreign Policy Instruments


1. Publication reference


2. Procedure


3. Programme title

Green Gateway to Korea - Stimulating green growth and strengthening EU presence in the South Korean market.

4. Financing

Partnership Instrument 2014 Annual Action Programme (ref. C/2014/7423 of 16.10.2014)

Financing Decision PI/2014/037-781

5. Contracting Authority

European Union represented by the European Commission.

6. Nature of contract

Global price

7. Contract description

This tender concerns the EU Green Gateway Recruitment and Coaching in Europe as well as Operational and Logistics in South Korea.


A Recruitment and Coaching Network based in Europe and with offices in South Korea (Seoul), responsible for recruitment of EU companies; pre-selection; coaching of EU companies during the entire business mission period and preparation as well as creating links with South Korea business leads.


An Operational and Logistics Unit based in South Korea (Seoul), responsible for the coordination and logistics of activities in South Korea, as well as promotion to potential business visitors in South Korea.

This tender will concentrate on five macro sectors, which are: environment & water, renewable energy, construction & building technologies/material, sustainable interior design, healthcare & medical equipment, as well as organic food

8. Indicative budget

EUR 16.8 million

9. Intended timing of publication of the contract notice

March 2015

10. Additional information

This tender relates to the tender the EU Gateway / Business Avenues - Central Management Unit which gives support to the implementation of the programme (general programme promotion in Europe and building relations with key multipliers; assessment procedure; market intelligence; and general management support to the Commission).

The tasks related to Central Management Unit of the EU Gateway/ Business Avenue, as well as Operational and Logistics in China and South East Asia will be tendered separately.

11. Legal basis

Regulation(EU) N°236/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 laying down common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union's instruments for financing external action. The eligibility criteria are laid down in article 9 of the said Regulation.

Regulation (EU) No 234/2014 establishing a Partnership Instrument for cooperation with third countries.


There must be a minimum period of 30 calendar days between the publication of this prior information notice and the publication of the corresponding contract notice.

No applications or requests for information should be sent at this stage.