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Service for Foreign Policy Instruments

Key documents

Official planning and strategy documents, reports, studies, factsheets and other documents related to the activities of the European Commission’ Service for Foreign Policy Instruments.

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Key documents (536)

Showing results 70 to 80
General publications13 October 2023
Annex 3 of Commission Implementing Decision on the financing of the annual action plan in favour of the Asia Pacific region for 2023 Part 3

The action entitled ‘EU – Republic of Korea Intellectual Property Action’ will seek to enhance trade in Intelectual Property intensive products between the EU and the Republic of Korea and to cooperate on new technologies and challenges where new policies and rules that involve intellectual property...

General publications13 October 2023
Annex 2 of Commission Implementing Decision on the financing of the annual action plan in favour of the Asia Pacific region for 2023 Part 3

The action entitled ‘Addressing Hybrid Threats in the Indo-Pacific – Pilot Action (HIPPA)’ aims to work with Australia to strengthen the understanding, awareness of, and inter-regional cooperation on addressing hybrid threats between the EU and key Indo-Pacific partners (government, non-government...

General publications13 October 2023
Commission Implementing Decision on the financing of the annual action plan in favour of the Asia Pacific region for 2023 Part 3

This Commission Implementing Decision aims to address global challenges, in particular climate change; hybrid threats; future of work as well as support multilateralism, promote EU values and interests, and support EU trade and investments with key partners in the region. The objectives of this plan...

General publications13 October 2023
Annex 1 of Commission Implementing Decision on the financing of the annual action plan in favour of the Asia Pacific region for 2023 Part 3

The action entitled ‘Policy Dialogue and Public Diplomacy Facility for Australia, Hong Kong/Macao, New Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan’ will seeks to enable the EU to address the short and medium-term foreign policy needs and opportunities in and with Australia, Hong Kong (and Macao), New Zealand...

General publications24 October 2023
Commission implementing decision on an exceptional assistance measure regarding Ecuador

This 18-month measure seeks to contribute to the establishment of a National Intelligence and Coordination Centre (fusion centre) in the city of Guayaquil to help improve the current dynamics between specific units of the relevant Ecuadorian institutions (National Police, Ecuadorian Navy, and...

General publications24 October 2023
Annex to Commission implementing decision on an exceptional assistance measure regarding Ecuador

This 18-month measure seeks to contribute to the establishment of a National Intelligence and Coordination Centre (fusion centre) in the city of Guayaquil to help improve the current dynamics between specific units of the relevant Ecuadorian institutions (National Police, Ecuadorian Navy, and...

General publications5 October 2023
Annex to Commission implementing decision on an exceptional assistance measure regarding Syria

This 18-month measure continues the EU financial and political support to pursue peacebuilding efforts in Syria through the Syria Peace Initiative co-funded by Germany and Denmark, and the participation of Syrian women in peace negotiations. It will also continue to support the promotion of...

General publications5 October 2023
Commission implementing decision on an exceptional assistance measure regarding Syria

This 18-month measure continues the EU financial and political support to pursue peacebuilding efforts in Syria through the Syria Peace Initiative co-funded by Germany and Denmark, and the participation of Syrian women in peace negotiations. It will also continue to support the promotion of...

General publications18 August 2023
Annex to Commission implementing decision on an exceptional assistance measure regarding Somalia

This 18 months measure will complement existing EU support to stabilisation and ensure a climate-sensitive first stabilisation response, focusing on basic water and food production in newly liberated areas. This will entail support to community-driven, government-led and ecologically viable public...

General publications18 August 2023
Commission implementing decision on an exceptional assistance measure regarding Somalia

This 18 months measure will complement existing EU support to stabilisation and ensure a climate-sensitive first stabilisation response, focusing on basic water and food production in newly liberated areas. This will entail support to community-driven, government-led and ecologically viable public...