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Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
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Promoting the role of women in security and counterterrorism

Women sitting at conference table
Women in security and counterterrorism
WIIS Brussels

The counterterrorism policies and measures to prevent violent extremism have tended to ignore the gender perspective. The role of women in counterterrorism efforts is still largely limited to perceived stereotypical roles.

The identification of societal and practical barriers to increasing women’s participation in this domain is essential to developing solutions and raising awareness of the gender gap in this important field. The main expected result is the production of operational guidance for the EU’s partner countries on how to promote the participation of women in the field of security and counterterrorism.

The guidance will help to consolidate gender-related policy and translate it into operational support for the EU programmes addressing women in criminal justice responses to countering terrorism.

  • Global/Trans-regional
  • NDICI - Thematic Pillar
  • Conflict prevention, peace and stability
  • 4 AUGUST 2022
Factsheet Women in Security and Counter terrorism